Wir suchen dich und deine Oma! AVIA geht im Summer 2023 nämlich auf Tour!

We are looking for you and your grandmother !
AVIA is going on tour in the summer of 2023.

Nous vous cherchons, toi et ta grand-mère ! AVIA part en tournée en été 2023

Sweden Poland Netherlands Croatia Czech Republic Ireland Romania Greece France Belgium Spain Germany Lithuania


AVIA will be travelling to Sweden and more specifically to Malmö.
Malmö and the surroundings. Malmö is the third biggest city in Sweden with about 300 000 inhabitants. According to the BaM (Becoming a minotiry) Project 54% of the Malmö population has a foreign background. In Malmö the focus of the researched profil will granddaughters or/ and grandmothers with non-European migration history.


AVIA will be travelling to Poland and more precisely to Lublin, the European Youth Capital of 2023. Lublin is in the eastern part of the Country, close to Ukraine.


I will travel to the Netherlands


AVIA will be traveling to Croatia and more specifically to Slavonski Brod and Spilt. The first city is at the edge of the Schengen area since Croatia joined on the 1st of January 2023, an important Bridge in this small city makes the connection to the western Balkan and more specifically Bosnia & Herzegovina, a candidate country to join the EU. AVIA wishes there to understand how the cooperation between two countries with different statutes works and what the challenges can be for the society.

Czech Republic

The first stop of AVIA will be Prague in Czechia. In Czechia, AVIA will meet with the LGBTQAI+ and enlarge the understanding of women, gender and representation in society.




AVIA will be travelling to Greece. The working title of AVIA for Greece is: Working where other have vacations.

When doing quick google research on Greece the two main things that come as results are vacation Reels or history videos of the ancient Greece. When it comes to politics also two things : Migration and Eurocrisis. AVIA will do one stop in Athens and the other one in Crete. Are you working in the tourism branch ? Write us so we can get in touch !


In Lithuania AVIA wants focus on the Jewish community and live in eastern Europe. Kaunas

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